The Upload Documents Component: What it does and how to use it

An explainer on what our Upload Documents Component does, and how it works.

The Upload Documents component is how you can prompt your customers to upload any files that may be useful to your flow's primary purpose. For example, you can ask customers to upload receipts, images, resumes, etc. These files get uploaded and are available for you to download!

You can add an 'Upload Documents' component to your flow by drag n dropping the below icon into your step:

Upload Documents Component

Once dropped in, you should see the traits of the Upload Documents component on the left, and the component itself appears on the right:

Upload Documents Menu

The traits specific to Upload Documents are:

Maximum number of documents: Limit how many documents the user can upload (from 1 - 10)

Maximum file upload size: Choose the maximum size of a file that will be accepted

Document types allowed: Select which document types will be accepted.


Upload Documents options

How it works for your customers

Once an "Upload Documents component has been published, " your users can either drag n drop or browse files on their computer to add in. When a file has been uploaded, you'll see it alongside the file name and file size:

Users then can add in more files or delete any files.

If the file is required (as per the traits), the "Next" button to proceed to the next page will only activate once all files have been uploaded.

How to download the files that have been uploaded

Your files will be available either through the API endpoint you have set up or by downloading the CSV of your data. You can find this in the 'Analytics' tab by clicking on the 'download as CSV' button.

Under the ID name you set up in traits, your files will be available to download by clicking on the link.