If you want to launch Upflowy after an Auth0 signup and ensure that any onboarding data from Upflowy is assigned to the right customer, here's how we recommend proceeding:
Lets go through this step by step.
You'll first want to add in the Upflowy SDK to the <head> tag of your webpage.
To find the SDK code, click on "Integrate" in the left-hand toolbox:
Then, you'll see the below step containing your unique config ID. Copy the code to a clipboard.
Add in a &defer=true to the end of your code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://sdk.upflowy.com/upflowy.client.js?configId=[your-config-ID]&defer=true"></script>
Note: By adding defer=true, we will defer the launch of the SDK in order to pass parameters, and therefore this might therefore add some loading time to the flow.
Now, with a bit of extra code you'll be able to pass on specific parameters to your flow. Based on what parameters are you adding in, add them using "'u-[variable-name]' = [parameter-name]" . See an example of this below:
window.Upflowy.launch({ origin: window.location.origin,
'u-email': email,
'u-userID': user_id,
'u-name': name