Released on 8th September, 2022
New Features
🆕 Pre-populating text fields
You can now use external data in more places to do more things like:
- Be personal: Use a segment or HubSpot session ID to change the flow based on interests of a lead
- Be helpful: Use what you already know about visitor to prepopulate information
- Be unique: Use what you know about people to go down different branches (ie nursing students vs engineering students)
- Be progressive: Use progressive profiling theories to ask new questions, rather than old questions you already know the answers to
🆕 New component: Hidden inputs
Help power your internal processes and systems by including internal metadata alongside flow answers as hidden fields. You can use this new features to power things like:
Internal fields: Passing through the information that your existing systems or team need to process submissions, but you don’t want your user to see
Campaign metadata: Pass through campaign details like where the customer loaded your flow (from your website or from social media)
Learn more about Hidden inputs
🐞 Bug Fixes
💅Cosmetic Improvements